Thursday, March 5, 2009

Dear strange trespasser,

Why have you come to watch the play? Is it to watch a story? Or because everyone says the guy who is acting is good? Or is it mere timepass?

Obviously I mustn’t judge you for it, but I still can't get myself to accept it. Did you merely trespass into the theatre? Past the traffic, the gates, the coffee shop, the ticket counter? And because you have gone through the trouble to do it, I ask of you, why were you there, if you didn't come to watch something?

Theatre is about bringing the tale alive. There is a bunch of people who bother to set aside time and effort to create something. Something that, if good, will transport you. Suck you in and hold your hand through it. They invest mental effort. And physical. And emotional. The least you can do is switch your bloody dog leashes off. And not turn them on. The lights are turned off, to prepare you for what’s coming. To tell you that for the next few moments of your life… you can leave everything else at the doorstep. All you need to do is watch. And listen. So then, why do you pollute the moment such? Why do you sit next to people who are there FOR the play? People who have been waiting to be transported, forget, be overwhelmed, cry.

I beseech you to respect the art. Or atleast the effort. Because you and I aren’t able to do what they do. Because we aren’t strong, versatile, imaginative, beautiful enough. And they do it for you. They excuse you your inabilities and perform for you. Respect that. Don’t walk all over the stage. It’s a sacred space. Don’t leave your phones on. Don’t email and sms while the play is on. It is tiring enough to tolerate the poor humour sensors you have in the upper compartment. I allow you that. But don’t intrude my space. Don’t bulldoze your loud, crass selves into it. I want to watch, listen, emote. I am there for this express purpose. Please allow me the chance to imagine that you don’t exist.

And if not me, please think of the man there who is pouring himself out all over the wooden platform. Who is telling himself you’re listening. Who becomes the person he is enacting. He falls in love and has his heart break with ever show. And walks out to bow crying. That means SOMEthing. Can you imagine doing that to yourself? Don’t giggle. And please keep your precious words inside your head. Don’t you dare let them out of your trap.

Beseechingly yours.


dagalti said...

Hamlet: What's Hecuba to him, or he to Hecuba,
That he should weep for her?
Heckler: You said it !

Life is not like this....
May I interest you in something more direct ?

"All the world's a stage" - William S.

"Wherever you go our network follows" - a repugnant mutt

Anonymous said...

Seriously. Man.

So sorry Such.
