Thursday, April 16, 2009


You know you are ridiculous when you ask for, fight and ensure you land into the one precise space that you always shied from - giving opinions for a living. They are fun as long as you don't need to expect a response.

Having to constantly stick your neck out and then wait for a judgement on it is uncomfortable and exasperating, especially while you're being told that it means you're thinking.

Assuming that most of you have winced by now I'm gonna say that I don't give a fig for poor punctuation, sentence construction and especially those that start with gerunds cos I doesn't know better but I admit it irritates me a wee bit so journalists linguists copy writers super smart risk managers and poets of the world may please to be excusing cos I am asking in all humbility.


Anonymous said...

Awwww. :)


neel said...

first, i can speak for the journos, and they dont know shit about all that puncutauion, construction and other such things that we dont think about lest we stop writing getting to concious.... its the editors, they are the zombies, so kill them....

but you really dont give a fig??? achhha.... shall remember.... :)
