Wednesday, March 5, 2008

the one day flu

One of the worst things that can happen to you in the middle of the week is the one day flu. Have you ever had one of those? You wake up in the morning and everything feels wrong. Your eyes hurt, your throat hurts, there is someone banging something on your head ever so lightly that you cant pin point one reason but if you turn your head too fast it stings.

And once you discover this, your day just goes downwards from there. The one thing I cannot stand is throat pain. I can handle heat strokes, menstrual pain, fever, cough and cold, but throat pain is the worst thing to happen to anyone. Comes first on my list of things i cannot stand, followed by pop philosophy and synthetic pink.

I spent my entire day nursing the one day flu. And because its the first day, no one thinks its grave enough to shower you with attention, but it also means that you are absolutely tired and useless to yourself even. No sympathy and nothing you can do to cheer yourself up. You are at the mercy of the idiot box.. and really, how many channels can one change through the course of the day?

So.. yea, I spent an entire day feeling horrible and doing nothing. I know calvin says its the best way to spend a day. Whats wrong with me?

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