Thursday, June 28, 2012

In my mind's eye

In my mind's eye I stand gangly tall, with a slight width to my hips. 

In my mind's eye, I take to water like a dived-in otter, I crinkle my hairy nose and shake my bottom ever so slightly. 

In my mind's eye, there is a blue jay at the corner of my vision. 

In my mind's eye, I am standing beside Douglas Adams when he is posing as Arthur Dent while lying stone drunk on a smelly heap of hay. 

I can eat an entire steak, and not just with my eyes. I can hike mountains with a old branch for a walking stick. 

In my mind's eye, I could be the student's mind in Florence. I can see what I look like to an old Victorian lamp. 

In my mind's eye, I sit on the edge of the vibration of music on the walls of my heart. I feel my uterine walls stocking up. 

In my mind's eye, my love for my unborn child scares me sleepless, so much that I dare not do that. 

In my mind's eye I'm gullible. 

Everyone is either collectively smarter, or dumber than I am. 

In my mind's eye, I can feel the hot frying on potato skin. 

In my mind's eye I am soft inside, and softer outside.


Anonymous said...



Linda Ashok said...

very nice

ofternoons-n-coffeespoons said...

Thanks for dropping by, Linda :)

Linda Ashok said...

you are most welcome lady.... i comment on standalone pieces. nevertheless... :-)