Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Keeping it simple. Or atleast trying to.

A menu card in Singapore says:
"Thai fruit tastes like angel sitting on your tong and wi-wi"
... or so I've heard.

Those who are blessed with such clarity in their priorities, must be looked up to. Being tam bram means being genetically disadvantaged in such clarity of thought. And if that is a wrong statement, then being my mum's daughter most definitely means lacking such stark simplicity. For example, when I heard it I went in to a mental whirlwind, instead of laughing spontaneously along with the rest and hence ending up seeming slow/tubelight-ish/etc, as to the exact gender of a tong and of a wiwi. I mean at first tong sounds male and wiwi female. But then again, haven't we referred to pee-pees as kids? Plus the sound of 'wi-wi' seems politically incorrect and hence offensive if you think hard enough and so I don't want to accept it.

Maybe thats where the key lies. Do not think so hard. Like my new friend from Aurangabad says, "hardly koshish karo". Rather in this aspect, "hardly koshish mat karo."

On an another note, tong seems quite funnily apt.


neel said...
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neel said...

i think tong is male....

K said...

tong & wi-wi?? I got tong (i think) but what the hell is wi-wi...I wouldnt have laughed either. Just bewildered.

Funny post.