Sunday, February 15, 2009

Ode to the tunes that spell home

JJ spent a lovely weekend with her 'bust friend' - the Mallige from Malleswaram. And as is wont to happen, conversation hovered around our eternal favourite - the kannada-ness of ourselves. So apart from repeating promises to each other about making movies and managing that mean HR firm we are going to start one day in New York, my good friend and I gave ourselves a topic to research. Do catch up with us using this.

Yes, so one day, sandalwood will meet MM and JJ in a joyous marriage of boredom and poor sense of humour. And we will make movies with titles as eloquent as this one kannada movie that was called: '?'. :D do you get how ridiculously delicious the nomenclature in kannada movies can be? They do have others, viz. 'A', 'Shh', '' , 'Z' (by a rival superstar to the actor of A) and of course 'Om'. And no, I'm not making these up.

:) Marvel at the eloquence and envy the millions of cups of filter coffee and idli swimming in sambhar we have shared. Harsh, wacky, shameless wannabe Bengloor Kannada is my adopted mother tongue. I hope she never leaves me.

Wykay childrens, yenauff naansense. Nav my hoffis demands that I do the works.

But, oh! the dovenuts!!!!!

1 comment:

dagalti said...

//with titles as eloquent as this one kannada movie that was called: '?'//


I understand this title was the distributor's actual comment when the film was screened for him. Unfortunately the abbreviated exclamation that preceded the "?" didn't make it past the censors.