Saturday, August 2, 2008

One Day You Will be Cool

Yea yea... I know you like almost famous and I know this isn't original... but none of you are anyway, so shove it. :D

Right... so this has been my favourite theme off late. It is the 'it' sentence.. the one I have been measuring my coffee cups with.

Think about it... have you ever met anyone who doesn't want to be thought of as cool? Some might settle for 'not uncool'... but they still secretly want to be cool. Its one of the fundamental desires of the 21st century... right up there along with 6 packs and Beyonce's bottoms.

So what IS cool? Some people say its your attitude. It should come from within. But I think its just their way of not wanting to let the secret out. Its like saying... you wont find god unless you pray for him with a pure heart. If I had a pure heart, I'm sure I wouldn't need his help. And whats with the ego-trip anyway? If you are benevolent and help the needy... get down to business, goddamit!

I think I've thought too much. I'm hyper ventilating. Somebody help me.